Dataset Distillation for Offline Reinforcement Learning

*Equal Contribution, 1Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2University of California, Los Angeles


Offline reinforcement learning often requires a quality dataset that we can train a policy on. However, in many situations, it is not possible to get such a dataset, nor is it easy to train a policy to perform well in the actual environment given the offline data. We propose using data distillation to train and distill a better dataset which can then be used for training a better policy model. We show that our method is able to synthesize a dataset where a model trained on it achieves similar performance to a model trained on the full dataset or a model trained using percentile behavioral cloning.

Overview of our dataset distillation process

On the left we train the dataset by taking the matching gradient loss between the real offline dataset and our synthetic dataset. On the right we then use the trained synthetic dataset to train a RL model, which we then evaluate on the real environment.


Distillation Performance

ID performance

In distribution performance of various data collection methods.


OOD performance

Out of distribution performance of various data collection methods



      title={Dataset Distillation for Offline Reinforcement Learning}, 
      author={Jonathan Light and Yuanzhe Liu and Ziniu Hu},